Midas Man
It’s not common for someone to donate a Boeing 747 as an art gift to Burning Man, but Jonathan Teo isn’t a common man. His approach to art and business has always been about inclusion. When he co-founded the Mettaverse Project or Binary Capital, he saw an opportunity to use the influence of venture capital in connecting people to create a more inclusive world.
He saw the power of Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and more, early on. Learning to keep his finger on the pulse of technology and trends at Google — and working directly with Larry & Sergey — Jonathan saw the potential of a scalable, connected future. His early investment in key social giants earned him a spot in Forbes Magazine Midas list, which calls out the very best in the venture capital game.
At Human Kind, hear from Silicon Valley legend Jonathan Teo on the power of technology, entrepreneurship, and inclusivity — and how we can harness all three to create a better future for all.


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